I used eBay to buy OG hightops and Levi's on the cheap back in the day. I didn't use it to sell, but I remember the day eBay shut off the ability to leave feedback on buyers. That was a huge blow to the "community" aspect to the site. Of course, back then, no company had a very good grasp on user-generated content and user-directed communities. eBay totally missed the fact that some sellers had communities surrounding them. Instead of partnering with them, it eyed them as potential scammers.

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Ok honestly I’m about 1/3rd through this and I gotta head to work, but my girl and I agree that you gotta write a book of some sorts with all these stories. As someone like 15+ years younger, I think it would be good preservationism for how this all started

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a book sounds like a task and a half...but you're not the first person to tell me that. i think once i have some more clarity around the goal, that'll be an interesting idea

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