(2/X) StonkX
Other than the dude asking interesting questions (with NOBODY offering any good answers), I really didn’t find any data on NikeTalk, so I started looking elsewhere…I’m having very little luck until I see someone post this article on Reddit:
Fast forward a few minutes/days/hours and you’re left with this spoiler: The NT user ‘mcsd31’ and ‘These Guys…” is Josh Luber, former Founder & CEO of StockX, well before he was the Founder & CEO of StockX. I found this out *after* I found that article. So I’m basically putting together a story in my head but backwards.
Apparently, he HAD been tracking the data that I was looking for, as the article states: “Since 2012, '[Luber] has compiled data on more than 13 million eBay auctions and posted his analysis on Campless”
So I head on over to Campless (currently known as). Plenty of *interesting* information (although not directly applicable to me…but LOOK AT THOSE PRICES):
I recognize avatar from the NikeTalk posts and then I see this note at the bottom of the page:
So what do you think I did?
That’s right, I whipped up my hotmail and crafted a banger:
Within a day, I had a response…
We went back and forth for a couple of days…ultimately agreeing to a Skype session on the 20th, in which he was at his place in Philly and I was at my place in Oakland. This was before Zoom, kiddos.
We spoke for a bit…honestly I was kind of at a loss because I didn’t want to blow the whole ‘sneaker grading’ thing too soon, but we talked about Steph & Klay and a website that I built that I was proud of (Bud Light ‘Heroes’ website that debuted during the Super Bowl and had like 40 trazillion hits in an hour or something). We agreed that I would help with some of the front end development work to see what I could contribute. Admittedly, I wasn’t the greatest dev, but I was sure I could work my way around a CSS sheet.
Over the coming days and a few more Skype sessions, he introduced me to the team and I thought…’this is it! I’m finally gonna use my nerd capabilities and my sneaker capabilities and this is going to be so cool!’
Slow down.